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Sunday, 24 June 2012

Superlink and Megalink programmes by Eurolingua

SUPERLINK and MEGALINK are promotional programmes developed by Eurolingua specifically to help those involved directly or indirectly in the language business to receive referrals directly from the portal. These programmes are ideal for language schools, TEFL/TESOL providers, on-line teachers, translation agencies, cooking schools, travel publishers and internship organizers engaged in study abroad business generate more business. Currently language schools and businesses from Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Malta, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom and the USA have joined these programmes with immense benefits.

Eurolingua is a power brand with a global reach including 70 language schools in over 40 countries for students seeking the best in language studies. Anyone looking to learn Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian or Spanish automatically visit the Eurolingua portal to find the school of their choice. The portal is nicely classified and categorized into various language sections and services.

The SUPERLINK programme is primarily targeted at language studies. Participants like schools, TESOL/TEFL Trainers, Online course providers through Skype, Internship Agencies, Publications, and Translation Agencies, can publish a self-manageable profile on the summary page for each country. They can modify their content anytime, any number of times. SUPERLINK allows a 500 character description space and is translated into all main languages. The programme allows publication of a photo with a direct link. Participants receive direct inquiries through a “further information request” form that includes contact details. Participants are allocated a unique ID and once they log in to their account they can view statistics and modify their profile any time. A bonus free publication in the “International Language School Directory” and other marketing channels comes along with the SUPERLINK Package.

The MEGALINK programme takes it a step further. In addition to all the features of SUPERLINK it offers a separate full page description of the school profile and service with multiple direct text and image links to that school’s website. Participants have full freedom to manage content any number of times. The main features of MEGALINK are:
  • Full page description under 9 main headings translated into all main languages, populated with keywords and keyword phrases
  • Page includes 5 photos with links to target pages on website and two direct text links to target pages on the participant’s website
  • Free publication in “International Language School Directory”, summary page, 500 character  description on summary page, learn more link  to full page description, direct text link to “visit school website” and photo of the participant school’s  website.
  • Further Information Request form as in SUPERLINK
  • Unique ID, log in, statistics

A participant does not need to install any software on his system.

Given the highly targeted and effective traffic these two programmes generate, they give the best value for money and ROI.


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